To make up here's a still I did recently for One Day Removals, that ended up not being used due to context. Nice bit of photo exercise for me though. I had to create a fake family photo for the Andy character played by Patrick Wight. His on-screen wife and daughter Susan and Emily Robertson had to be seen with him. Of course we didn't do that when they were in the same room as that would have been easy!
Here are the series of photos I made the final composit from. Yes, Susan and Emily are at the Dr who exhibiton in Glasgow.

nice bit of work there! Well, we shot today and boy did it go well! Posted some new images. Shooting again tomorrow.
clever lad - old age obviously doing you no harm whatsoever!! Stuart MacBride'll be recruiting you to do the artwork for his next Logan MacRae novel if he sees that - dead cool! (BTW Happy Birthday)
Thanks. I do art and stuff.
All the best for the shoot:)
When are you gonna move to Fort Wayne so we can make a movie together? That and my son want's to try real hagus, not the stuff in cans. Become famous, already, so you can ditch yer pals and join the circus that is A Work In Progress...
well, bring Mark and Kerwin along...we're always looking for talent!
Still waiting to hear about the next project...
Hi Allen, I'm not sure I'g get into the US, not with my terrorist record and being Osama's cousin. Oh wait, that would get me a visa.
Haggis is great, but if I sent a proper one it would get stopped at customs. Which is a shame. The stuff in cans is actually not that bad, but you miss the sheep's wrapped around it.
Those strange headless mannequins look terrifying, can't remember those in Doctor Who though ?! :)
Those are the headless meme's of Calufax. Or dress dummies to you and me.
Posted bunches of new images on the beneath shadows blog...
Hey you fart, what are you doing? Sitting on your hands? Just teasing. Posted a bunch of new stuff on the beneath shadows blog...very excited about the direction the movie is going.
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