Thought it was about time I did a post about the film. Mark is currently editing the footage together and rarely sees daylight, but we're still doing bits at the weekends so everything is coming together nicely. The footage I've seen so far looks great and it's amazing the results Mark is getting from the Canon XL H1 with its comedy viewfinder, I think talent may have something to do with it.
On top of all the usual film stuff Mark has also re-edited "The Planet," to introduce a separate dialogue track for overseas sales (the movie was made so cheaply it only had 2 channels of sound). The dvd will be available soon in Japan, due to our agent, Cut Entertainment, getting a distribution deal there - so we're all pretty beefed about that and looking forward to it opening up in more territories.
A few weeks ago we did some more bodies in the van shots, this time with a full corpse count: Mark had prepared 4 body doubles in bags and Kerwin and I were the "live bait," on top. After a little make up and a few gallons of bleed we rolled about on top of a van load of stiffs and got well sticky (never ask me to repeat that). Here are the results.

Mark filmed the shot from many angles, I hadn't been asked to make up this area!
Me (doubling for farmer character) after 20 minutes of make up.